Sorry about the lack of blogging recently...I will try to do better.
Just a quick comment about how the French (and Europeans in general) take care in the design of the little things. For example, streetlights and glasses.
The streetlights here all have interesting, modern designs. Highways included. Each little town has a different style of streetlights, some colored, some very sleek. I never realized how careless the streetlights are in the US, and how much it makes a difference. Its the little details that effect the overall impression. I wish I could include some photos but its a little hard to snap a picture from the car.
Next....Europeans know how to wear glasses. I kindof wish I had to wear glasses b/c they are so pretty here. Lots of different colors, interesting designs. Also, old people's glasses are just as cool as the young peoples!
Quick life update: I'm on vacation and Romaric comes Thursday...(many pics to come). We went on a short trip to Cedric's sister's house. I helped my new roomate move into the apartment. I move to the apartment on Nov. 1st!!!!
Check out my old roomate's blog (on the right) she is awesome!
Also...Cristal is the coolest girl in France!!!!
T-shirt design
15 years ago