Thursday, September 25, 2008


So in the house that I live in there is a giant salt water aquarium. There are many plants and crabs and 3 fish. The biggest plant of all is a huge anenome that is home to the 2 Nemo clown fish. The crazy thing moves very slowly all over the aquarium. So I'm going to start the anenome tracker.

25 September 2008. 15:28h


Shelly said...

Looks like you are having fun!

christophe said...

I did not know that anemone could move! How long did it take to the anemone for that move?

charli said...

Thats a good 3 days of moving...but I think its picking up speed. Its already moved a little today.

mommize said...

Wow, Charity that anemone is really moving! you and Hono need to put something in front of the filter or there will be dead fish. Snacks for Mona!